
Jorge Damski takes immense pride in being a personal trainer.

His role as a personal trainer is to facilitate, motivate and enable people to view physical activity as a daily habit, given the increasing evidence that indulging in regular physical exercise boosts morale. It also enables you to feel better, both physically and mentally.

Strength training has many proven health benefits, such as increasing bone density, improved joint health, flexibility and balance and reducing body fat and BMI, not to mention improving cardio function and facilitating better digestion.

As a trainer, Jorge has had the opportunity to witness the impact of physical exercise on healthy people as also on people with pathologies. These interactions have stoked his passion and admiration for this profession and continue to serve as an unending source of inspiration.

Meet Jorge at Evolve, brimming with energy, and brace yourself for a fun workout.

Upcoming Programs by Jorge

Menopause Retreat 7-Days

Also With Daniella, Inma, Pascale, Lourdes, Irene, Michela and Ron

June 7 - 13, 2024

It can be challenging to navigate menopause; the myths, labels, uncertainty, brain fog, dwindling confidence, mood swings, body changes, hot flushes, lack of sleep, anxiety, isolation, fear, and other symptoms all take their toll emotionally, physically and mentally. Our menopause retreat is a holistic getaway to support you in making sense of the emotional baggage […]

Menopause Retreat 7- Days

Also With Daniella, Emily, Irene, Pascale, Inma, Lourdes, Michela and Ron

September 13 - 19, 2024

It can be challenging to navigate menopause; the myths, labels, uncertainty, brain fog, dwindling confidence, mood swings, body changes, hot flushes, lack of sleep, anxiety, isolation, fear, and other symptoms all take their toll emotionally, physically and mentally. Our menopause retreat is a holistic getaway to support you in making sense of the emotional baggage […]

Fit fusion 5-days

Also With Daniella, Lourdes and Ron

October 18 - 22, 2024

Our Fitness and Health retreat has been designed specifically for those who wish to kick-start, seek additional challenges, lose weight, or maintain an established fitness routine. This fitness retreat is jam-packed, with stimulating high-intensity and low-impact training exercises. High-intensity interval training will keep your heart pumping, burn calories, improve cardio fitness, and strengthen muscles while […]

Menopause Retreat 5-Days

Also With Daniella, Emily, Irene, Lourdes, Pascale, Michela, Natalia and Ron

December 13 - 17, 2024

It can be challenging to navigate menopause; the myths, labels, uncertainty, brain fog, dwindling confidence, mood swings, body changes, hot flushes, lack of sleep, anxiety, isolation, fear, and other symptoms all take their toll emotionally, physically and mentally. Our menopause retreat is a holistic getaway to support you in making sense of the emotional baggage […]

Menopause Retreat 5- Days

Also With Daniella, Emily, Inma, Irene, Lourdes, Pascale and Ron

December 13 - 17, 2024

It can be challenging to navigate menopause; the myths, labels, uncertainty, brain fog, dwindling confidence, mood swings, body changes, hot flushes, lack of sleep, anxiety, isolation, fear, and other symptoms all take their toll emotionally, physically and mentally. Our menopause retreat is a holistic getaway to support you in making sense of the emotional baggage […]